It takes a coven

3 min readOct 14, 2021


Although the term coven remained largely unused until 1921, it became more recognized when Margaret Murray, an Egyptologist, archaeologist, anthropologist, historian and folklorist began using it to promote the gathering of witches. The idea was fairly simple — these groups drawing upon the strengths and diversity of one another.

We don’t hear a lot about covens nowadays, with the rise of the internet as a meeting place for the like minded, there are quite a few modern day covens that gather both via online groups as well as in-person meetups.

I, however, do not want to address the concept of covens as it relates to Wicca or Witchcraft, but rather the idea of creating strength and support in the gathering and solidarity of a group dedicated to a shared ideal or purpose. I would like to explore how this ancient custom could empower the modern day woman, and give us strength in a society designed to pit us against one another.

The stereotype that we see played out in movies, tv, and various other forms of media, is that of bitter, competitive, and backstabbing “bitches”. It’s of woman complimenting and praising one another, and then turning to their equally duplicitous friends, claws out, with admonishments such as “Who does she think she is?” Whether this competitiveness comes from a lack of personal self esteem, or something else, I think most of us have been guilty of creating clics and playing mean-girl-games in the hopes of hobbling our opponents.

Working in a field that is teeming with beautiful, intelligent, and successful woman, there can be a knee jerk reaction to quietly (or not so quietly) point out the weaknesses in what we view as rivals. I believe this practice is completely flawed. I love the idea of there being strength and power in woman coming together and forming a coven of support and true devotion, to each other. I think putting this into practice is long overdue.

We need to stop seeing other woman as the enemy or trying to tear them down to get what we see as the bigger piece of the pie. We need to stop undermining each other, and rather, utilize the incredible power that comes from a sisterhood of unstoppable strength and support.

Perhaps society unconsciously works to conquer and divide what they find intimidating. I can think of nothing more impressive than a conglomerate of determined and self aware goddesses — “Covens”, if you will.

So next time you feel the urge to see your fellow sisters as the enemy, I invite you to flip-the-script; Straighten her crown; Let her straighten yours — Find ways to promote one another and show the world that we are truly unstoppable when we band together.

